Science communication: Algorithms and us

Algorithms have become a prevailing feature of modern life. Yet it’s happened almost without us noticing. At the University of Oxford, researchers at..

Picture-literate in six brilliant weeks

When it comes to finding a way through dense issues and challenges, Sande realised how often standard comms tools miss the mark. So she resolved to..

Nature on prescription? Exeter shows the world how

Many of us developed a fresh appreciation for the great outdoors during recent periods of lockdown, with the benefit of a daily walk in woods,..

Sketchnoting 101: Our new course

Our co-founders, Dan Porter and Chris Wilson, have teamed up with Domestika to bring you Sketchnoting 101: Drawing as a Communication Tool. It's a..

Emerging trends in the virtual event space

When the pandemic struck, it threw all predictions and plans for future up in the air, but now, as the dust settles, the events industry is able to..

Racing to success with FIA 2021 Conference

The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile or FIA's annual conference is never a dull affair. Like our very Monte Carlo Grand Prix, we mark it on..

Scribing a hiring blueprint for the scientific community

The Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) is an independent medical body with the mission of advancing biomedical and health research in the UK...

The producer's guide to the perfect project: Animation

Karen's in charge of our super-slick animation process, to ensure the timely delivery of the highest quality creative work, every time.

Sketchnotes: IPCC report key takeaways

When the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its climate report in September, the message was clear: the world is on the brink. We..

The event professional's guide to coping with uncertainty

After more than a year of lockdown, planning ahead has become something of a lost art. When you don't know what rules and restrictions lie in the..

Create virtual events that crush "attention slam"

"We need to address that issue of participant engagement," says Chris Elmitt, MD of event tech provider, Crystal Interactive, and one of our recent ..

Dropps Laundry detergent: here comes the science bit

The laundry detergent commercial is a well-established genre, never straying too far from the old cliches of babies splattered in puree, kids in..