Illustrating collaboration: The Alan Turing Institute's TRE Community

The Alan Turing Institute, named in honour of the legendary mathematician whose pioneering work laid the foundations for modern data science and..

Upfront and Centre: scribing women's voices

Expert speakers, compelling speeches and a gathering of great minds - all the right ingredients for an impactful event. But how can you effectively..

Canva create a live lead-magnet mural

BETT is the world’s biggest education trade show - a global exhibition of innovation and education held in London each year. Through a dynamic..

Deloitte: 50 Years of VAT illustrated

VAT: Like it, loathe it or even fully understand it, it’s 50 years since it was introduced in the UK. To mark the occasion, Deloitte UK’s tax team..

Real research impact for OU Infographics

Founded in the late 60s, the Open University's partnership with the BBC made it a pioneer in research communication. They’ve worked with Scriberia..