Illustrating collaboration: The Alan Turing Institute's TRE Community

The Alan Turing Institute, named in honour of the legendary mathematician whose pioneering work laid the foundations for modern data science and..

The balance of style and substance for Ferring

Challenge For global pharmaceutical group Ferring, research has been at the core of its operations for more than 70 years, discovering and developing..

Can you really draw a route to success?

"Every business, organisation and brand talks about its vision. But how many of them have actually made it visual?," says Dan. "For some reason,..

Bonkers but good!: The role of pictures in research

Whether engaging with hill farmers in the highlands or lecturing to a diverse audience, Marc Metzger, Professor of Environment and Society at The..

HarperCollins: A Decade of Creative Partnership

Since 2013 we have had the privilege of working with global publishing house HarperColllins, supporting the reference division in its mission to..

AWARDS for the NHS' Stay & Thrive campaign

As the UK’s largest employer, the National Health Service is acutely aware of the critical importance of both effective communication with, and the..

Westminster Foundation for Democracy

The Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is working to strengthen democracy across the world, including widening women’s routes and..

Superheroes of science illustrated at the IoP

Since 2018 we have had the pleasure of working with our Kings Cross neighbours The Institute of Physics on some inspiring projects. Our latest..

Nature on prescription? Exeter shows the world how

Many of us developed a fresh appreciation for the great outdoors during recent periods of lockdown, with the benefit of a daily walk in woods,..

The producer's guide to the perfect project: Illustration

Adam is the cool head at the helm of studio production, responsible for the silky smooth and timely delivery of illustrated work that meets the brief..

Twitter's historic research illustrated and animated

In 2020, Twitter UK embarked upon a research project to better understand how COVID19 affected the world. Twitter analysed millions of Tweets,..

Brewdog raises the bar on sustainability

BrewDog are something of a rockstar brand in the British brewing industry, and they take seriously their responsibility to lead by example when it..