The producer's guide to the perfect project: Illustration
So, you're thinking of commissioning some illustration? An infographic or a mural, perhaps. Then you need to speak to Senior Producer, Adam Tiratsoo, to find out how to get your exciting new project off to a flying start.
Adam is the cool head at the helm of studio production, responsible for the silky smooth and timely delivery of illustrated work that meets the brief and budget while exceeding expectations. He also knows a thing or two about potential project pitfalls, and how to avoid them.

What do I need to know before commissioning an illustration?
The smoothest projects always begin with a well-aligned team on the client's side. They will have already identified their key decision-makers, clarified the purpose of the project, signed-off the budget and agreed upon a deadline. Step one, for us is to provide you with our easy briefing pack. It's full of helpful questions that you and your team will want to get to grips with before jumping in:
What is the purpose of this illustration?
How will we use it?
Whose input do we need?
Whose sign-off do we need?
What is our budget?
When do we need it?
How long do illustrations take to produce?
Because our team can produce artwork in such a huge variety of styles and formats, timescales vary hugely from project to project, depending on your particular requirements. But if you have a clear deadline (and reasonable expectations!) we will always do our best to find a creative solution to make things work.
We're pretty nimble, but we always have a packed schedule and we prefer not to rush. So, if you can come to us well-prepared and in plenty of time, fantastic.
How much will it cost?
We've combined our years of experience with input from our clients to come up with a range of packages - for everything from single concept illustrations to the design and installation of huge murals - that we know work really well. They're designed to meet our clients' most common needs, and they also make it possible for us to offer a tried-and-tested process that ensures a really smooth experience, at the most competitive price. But, of course, we can accommodate more bespoke requests, too.
I’ve seen something I like. Can you recreate it?
Yes, but... Of course, we'll take on board any pointers you have for us. We have a huge pool of brilliant illustrators at our disposal, so we're confident that if you have a particular style in mind, we can achieve it for you. But, to help you get something that looks and feels like it's truly yours we'd really encourage you to think about what it is you like about the artwork you've seen, and how you feel it answers your brief. Then let our creatives get to work with that in mind.
Are there any potential pitfalls?
Problems arise when key decision-makers are not part of the process from the very beginning. Having them in the room or on the call for the kick-off is always time well-spent - and saves on delays and unplanned revisions further down the line.
We're also sticklers for sticking to our agreed schedule, which relies on us getting feedback on our work-in-progress, from the right people at the right time.
Please bear in mind that we plan our time carefully to make sure we can deliver what our clients need when they need it - as efficiently and effectively as possible. So, please help us help you, by sticking to the plan.
How do I get the ball rolling?
Just get in touch, and we'll make it happen. We can't wait to get started.