Nature on prescription? Exeter shows the world how

Many of us developed a fresh appreciation for the great outdoors during recent periods of lockdown, with the benefit of a daily walk in woods,..

Sketchnoting 101: Our new course

Our co-founders, Dan Porter and Chris Wilson, have teamed up with Domestika to bring you Sketchnoting 101: Drawing as a Communication Tool. It's a..

Racing to success with FIA 2021 Conference

The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile or FIA's annual conference is never a dull affair. Like our very Monte Carlo Grand Prix, we mark it on..

Sketchnotes: IPCC report key takeaways

When the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its climate report in September, the message was clear: the world is on the brink. We..

The event professional's guide to coping with uncertainty

After more than a year of lockdown, planning ahead has become something of a lost art. When you don't know what rules and restrictions lie in the..

Create virtual events that crush "attention slam"

"We need to address that issue of participant engagement," says Chris Elmitt, MD of event tech provider, Crystal Interactive, and one of our recent ..

Future of events: The Panel

Introducing our friends and panelists James, Georgia, Vera and Chris... Four leaders from four corners of the wonderful world of events, offering a..

Adaptation Scotland: Facing the future

The team at Adaptation Scotland noticed that, although there was an increase of information on the risks of climate change in Scotland, it was..

It taught me a new way of thinking

Richard Craig-McFeely, Business Development Lead for a large media and entertainment technology company and recent Scriberia Diploma graduate, knew..

Creativity at Work and at Home

According to this recent Guardian article (packed full of great research), creative pursuits don't just help us find our inner calm, they help us..

When the world works remotely

2020 saw businesses all over the world make the sensible adjustments to protect their workforce and operations: encouraging staff to work from home,..