The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile or FIA's annual conference is never a dull affair. Like our very Monte Carlo Grand Prix, we mark it on our calendar and look forward to capturing its unfolding drama with a spectacular, shareable piece of scribing.

While every year presents its own unique talking points, this year's agenda was heaving with topics as hot as Lewis Hamilton's tyres: The legacy of Covid, the social impact and sustainability of motorsport, and the best way to support diversity in the sport.

And when it came to sharing all of this information, once again, digital scribing proved to be the winning formula for the event. Our team captured the key points from each session, creating dynamic visual summaries that could propel each conversation to new audiences via social media, extending their reach and engaging new voices in the discussions.

What's more, the FIA were also able to utilise the scribing above as the cover of their August newsletter, squeezing as much value as possible from the visuals. We love seeing clients utilise these visual assets in new ways, and were thrilled to see the FIA highlighting the future of women's motorsports to their whole community.

The FIA estimate that there are 2.7 million people who participate in motorsport, from officials and competitors, to non-competing members. So, this year and every year, it's important that the FIA can document and share the important conversations that happen at their conference through scribing. Because it's these conversations that will map the course to a prosperous, sustainable and inclusive future for motorsport and all who enjoy it.