How long do animations take to produce?
Animation is not a quick process. If you're on a very tight deadline - like "I need it next week!" - then animation probably isn't the right creative route for you. But if you have the time, it's well worth the wait.
From scripting to storyboarding, to adding movement and transitions: every step enriches the finished product, but all of these things take time.
Some animation styles are a little quicker to produce than others, so that might be something you want to take into account if time is of the essence. But, because every animation we produce is bespoke, they all have their own timelines.
Are there any potential pitfalls?
We understand that a lot of our clients will not have been through an animation process before, so we're ready to guide you. We've made our process clear and simple. It's designed to help you understand where things are up to, every step of the way.
For it to work, we need our clients to commit to that process. We need you to give feedback and approval at crucial points along the way - and to understand that any changes you make to after that may affect your timings and costs. That's why it's so important that key stakeholders are fully involved in the process, right the way through.
Do I need to come with a script?
The short answer is no. Our team includes expert scriptwriters, who can create the script after the briefing call.
What if you’re not experts in my field?
The chances are we’re not! But that’s one of our strengths. Starting with little knowledge of your particular subject allows us to develop our understanding of it from the ground-up, starting with what might seem like really basic questions. This really helps us to create an animation with a rock-solid understanding of the facts.
How do I get the ball rolling?
Just get in touch, and we'll make it happen. We can't wait to get started.