
Visualising the "NOW PROBLEM" of net-zero

Written by Gemma Todd | May 28, 2024 10:17:44 AM

How do you ensure your research project not only engages and informs but makes a significant impact? This was the challenge faced by engineering consultancy firm Arup and the University of Edinburgh. Following their groundbreaking research into the infrastructure and storage solutions required to support the hydrogen transition and achieve the UK government's Net-Zero goal, they needed an effective way to share their findings and inspire action.


“We recognise that very few people are going to read a 120-page report and we needed a way of making sure we could engage with as many people as possible, so that’s where Scriberia came in.”

Colleen Hoffman, Senior Project Manager, Arup.

Colleen Hoffman, Senior Project Manager at Arup, explains: “Hydrogen will play a central role in helping the UK reach Net-Zero by 2050 - this is the government’s legal target - but our research shows that without the right infrastructure, we risk falling short of these ambitions.

“This is a super important topic - it’s a ‘now’ problem, not a future issue - so outreach and dissemination are really vital to spur action. However, we recognise that very few people are going to read a 120-page report and we needed a way of making sure we could engage with as many people as possible, so that’s where Scriberia came in.”

We worked with the team to extract the key findings from the research, drawing them together in a single visual summary:

Designed in a modular format, the infographic can be used as a standalone image or as individual assets for use in reports and presentations - as you can see in the project's Executive Summary, below. 

The project team has presented the infographic at multiple industry events including the All-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow, the UK’s largest gathering of the renewable and low carbon energy community, where it served as the centrepiece of Arup’s presentation. It also features on the global Arup site and has been shared across social channels. 

“The infographic is such a great way for us to provide context, highlight the significance of our findings as well as express urgency that we need to take action, to both a technical and non-technical audience.”

“The infographic is such a great way for us to provide context, highlight the significance of our findings as well as express urgency that we need to take action, to both a technical and non-technical audience - we’ve even had people standing up at conferences taking photos of it, which is fantastic to see,” says Colleen.

Internally, the infographic has supported Lunch and Learn sessions for Arup staff and has been used in proposals for follow-on work. 

Colleen adds, "It was such a pleasure working with Scriberia - we were truly excited by the whole process - and it's definitely shaped how we will approach projects in the future.”