On track: Network Rail’s Weather Academy Animation

With extreme weather becoming the new normal, Network Rail has taken proactive steps to safeguard its operations. They've launched a Weather Academy aimed at educating and training their workforce to tackle these challenges head-on. And that's where we come in - bringing this initiative to life through an engaging animation that highlights the crucial role staff play in maintaining a safe network.


With the rise in extreme weather events, from hotter summers to increased flooding, Network Rail has launched a Weather Academy to turn its key operational staff into amateur meteorologists. 

The academy - a collaboration with Newcastle University, the Met Office and MetDesk - aims to arm employees with the knowledge and insights needed to better navigate these severe weather conditions, ensuring safer and more reliable rail services for passengers.

"Hundreds of key operational staff will attend Network Rail's new 'weather academy' to help make them 'amateur meteorologists'," a spokesperson for Network Rail explained. "By training with actual meteorologists, our people will be better placed to make positive decisions when there is extreme weather; from speed restrictions to - in extreme circumstances - closing lines."

But how to spread the word? Network Rail wanted a solution far more engaging than the usual PowerPoint presentations. They needed something dynamic and captivating to communicate the academy's mission and benefits.




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We created a short, engaging animation to explain it all (in just over 2 minutes!). From the changing climate to the critical role of the Weather Academy, our animation shows how staff can use the academy’s resources to stay aware, prepare better, and make informed decisions, such as adjusting train speeds or closing lines swiftly.


Accessible to both an internal and external audience, the animation reflects the diversity of the workforce and conditions frequently faced, making the content more relatable, engaging and easy to follow. It also includes a QR code for quick access to additional resources.


“We wanted the animation to feel human and relatable, allowing this point to come across to a wide audience.”

Rosa Fisher, Scriberia animator 


Scriberia animator, Rosa Fisher, explains, “In this animation the client wanted to emphasise the huge impact that weather has on the railway and the subsequent impact this then has on passengers. Reflecting this, we wanted the animation to feel human and relatable, allowing this point to come across to a wide audience. It has a bright colour palette giving a feeling of warmth, and it makes use of orange as a key colour, which reflects the orange in the Network Rail workers' uniforms.”



“We have worked on a lot of animation and illustration work with Network Rail and have developed a strong visual style which reflects their brand and has been consistent throughout this work,” she adds. 

“This project was a further extension of that, but we were able to push it in slightly new directions as this project was more public facing. We were able to make some of the ideas slightly more playful and metaphorical, rather than having to be very technical for an internal audience.”



The animation has provided Network Rail with an effective communication tool to reach and connect with both its workforce and the wider public about the academy. It has been shared across their social channels, website and in press releases - and picked up by major news outlets, from the BBC to the Guardian. 

Now featured on the academy’s Weather Learning Hub, the animation continues to educate and inspire, helping Network Rail to stay on track in the face of climate change. 

You can see the full animation below:



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