
Marking milestones: Evolving Cifas’ mural

Written by Gemma Todd | Apr 30, 2024 11:55:21 AM

In 2017, we crafted a bespoke timeline mural for Cifas, the UK’s fraud prevention service, on the walls of their reception area. The mural tells the 30-year story of Cifas from their humble beginnings to the leading fraud-fighting organisation they have become - showcasing pivotal moments, milestones and the millions of pounds saved through their impactful work. 

Now celebrating their 35th anniversary, we were honoured to return to their HQ to extend the timeline and mark the continuing journey of Cifas - ensuring their story stays relevant and aligned to their mission. 

“It was a no-brainer for us to reach back out to Scriberia to help us with this project – we trusted them to bring our journey to life in the same innovative and artistic manner as before.”

Sophie Lennox, Head of Product, Cifas

Sophie Lennox, Head of Product at Cifas, says, “This year we felt it was time to continue our timeline and demonstrate the huge successes we have had as an organisation in the past 5 years. It was a no-brainer for us to reach back out to Scriberia to help us with this project – we trusted them to bring our journey to life in the same innovative and artistic manner as before.”

Our team meticulously hand painted the 5-year extension, weaving in the pandemic influence, growth of members, cases filed and, impressively, the £1.3bn in fraud savings the organisation has made. Visitors to the building could see the timeline take shape... take a look at our artist, Somang, in action: 



The new part of the design incorporated Cifas’ new branding and colour palette, showing the transition from past to present. 

The mural continues to serve as a visual spectacle in the reception area, used as a talking and reference point for both internal staff and visitors to the Cifas HQ - showing the enduring positive impact the organisation has made. 

“The mural has become a focal point of our offices, a way for us to explain our histories and the direction of travel and we are so proud to show it to external visitors as well as customers and employees.”

Sophie adds, “The mural has become a focal point of our offices, a way for us to explain our histories and the direction of travel and we are so proud to show it to external visitors who come to our offices as well as customers and employees. We have had a lot of new starters to the business this year and it has allowed them to understand our history in a way that would be difficult to portray in any other way.

“We are so happy with the end result and look forward to re-engaging for the next part of our story.”

Take a look at the full mural below: